Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * OpenClonk,
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
5  * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
6  *
7  * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
8  * "COPYING" for details.
9  *
10  * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
11  * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
12  *
13  * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
14  * for the above references.
15  */
16 // Startup screen for non-parameterized engine start: Player selection dialog
17 // Also contains player creation, editing and crew management
19 #ifndef INC_C4StartupPlrSelDlg
20 #define INC_C4StartupPlrSelDlg
22 #include "gui/C4Startup.h"
23 #include "object/C4InfoCore.h"
25 // startup dialog: Player selection
27 {
28 private:
29  enum Mode { PSDM_Player=0, PSDM_Crew }; // player selection list, or crew editing mode
30  enum { IconLabelSpacing = 2 }; // space between an icon and its text
32 private:
33  // one item in the player or crew list
34  class ListItem : public C4GUI::Control
35  {
36  private:
37  typedef C4GUI::Window BaseClass;
38  // subcomponents
39  protected:
40  C4GUI::CheckBox *pCheck; // check box to mark participation
41  C4GUI::Label *pNameLabel; // item caption
42  class C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pPlrSelDlg;
43  C4GUI::Icon *pIcon; // item icon
44  private:
45  class C4KeyBinding *pKeyCheck; // space activates/deactivates selected player
46  StdStrBuf Filename; // file info was loaded from
48  public:
49  ListItem(C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pForDlg, C4GUI::ListBox *pForListBox, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBeforeElement=nullptr, bool fActivated=false);
50  const C4FacetSurface &GetIconFacet() const { return pIcon->GetFacet(); }
51  ~ListItem() override;
53  protected:
54  virtual C4GUI::ContextMenu *ContextMenu() = 0;
55  C4GUI::ContextMenu *ContextMenu(C4GUI::Element *pEl, int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
56  { return ContextMenu(); }
58  void UpdateOwnPos() override; // recalculate item positioning
59  bool KeyCheck() { pCheck->ToggleCheck(true); return true; }
60  bool IsFocusOnClick() override { return false; } // do not focus; keep focus on listbox
62  void SetName(const char *szNewName);
63  void SetIcon(C4GUI::Icons icoNew);
65  void SetFilename(const StdStrBuf &sNewFN);
67  public:
68  C4GUI::CheckBox *GetCheckBox() const { return pCheck; }
69  ListItem *GetNext() const { return static_cast<ListItem *>(BaseClass::GetNext()); }
70  virtual uint32_t GetColorDw() const = 0; // get drawing color for portrait
71  bool IsActivated() const { return pCheck->GetChecked(); }
72  void SetActivated(bool fToVal) { pCheck->SetChecked(fToVal); }
73  const char *GetName() const;
74  virtual void SetSelectionInfo(C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfo) = 0; // clears text field and writes selection info text into it
75  const StdStrBuf &GetFilename() const { return Filename; }
76  virtual StdStrBuf GetDelWarning() = 0;
77  void GrabIcon(C4FacetSurface &rFromFacet);
79  bool CheckNameHotkey(const char * c) override; // return whether this item can be selected by entering given char
81  class LoadError : public StdStrBuf
82  {
83  public:
84  LoadError(StdStrBuf &&rTakeFrom) { Take(std::move(rTakeFrom)); }
85  }; // class thrown off load function if load failed
86  };
88 public:
89  // a list item when in player selection mode
90  class PlayerListItem : public ListItem
91  {
92  private:
93  C4PlayerInfoCore Core; // player info core loaded from player file
94  bool fHasCustomIcon; // set for players with a BigIcon.png
96  public:
97  PlayerListItem(C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pForDlg, C4GUI::ListBox *pForListBox, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBeforeElement=nullptr, bool fActivated=false);
98  ~PlayerListItem() override = default;
100  void Load(const StdStrBuf &rsFilename); // may throw LoadError
102  protected:
103  C4GUI::ContextMenu *ContextMenu() override;
105  public:
106  const C4PlayerInfoCore &GetCore() const { return Core; }
107  void UpdateCore(C4PlayerInfoCore & NewCore); // Save Core to disk and update this item
108  void GrabCustomIcon(C4FacetSurface &fctGrabFrom);
109  void SetSelectionInfo(C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfo) override;
110  uint32_t GetColorDw() const override { return Core.PrefColorDw; }
111  StdStrBuf GetDelWarning() override;
112  bool MoveFilename(const char *szToFilename); // change filename to given
113  };
115 private:
116  // a list item when in crew editing mode
117  class CrewListItem : public ListItem
118  {
119  private:
120  bool fLoaded;
121  C4ObjectInfoCore Core;
122  uint32_t dwPlrClr;
123  C4Group *pParentGrp;
125  public:
126  CrewListItem(C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pForDlg, C4GUI::ListBox *pForListBox, uint32_t dwPlrClr);
127  ~CrewListItem() override = default;
129  void Load(C4Group &rGrp, const StdStrBuf &rsFilename); // may throw LoadError
131  protected:
132  C4GUI::ContextMenu *ContextMenu() override;
134  void RewriteCore();
136  struct RenameParams { };
137  void AbortRenaming(RenameParams par);
138  C4GUI::RenameEdit::RenameResult DoRenaming(RenameParams par, const char *szNewName);
140  public:
141  void UpdateClonkEnabled();
143  uint32_t GetColorDw() const override { return dwPlrClr; }; // get drawing color for portrait
144  void SetSelectionInfo(C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfo) override; // clears text field and writes selection info text into it
145  StdStrBuf GetDelWarning() override;
146  const C4ObjectInfoCore &GetCore() const { return Core; }
148  CrewListItem *GetNext() const { return static_cast<CrewListItem *>(ListItem::GetNext()); }
150  void CrewRename(); // shows the edit-field to rename a crew member
151  bool SetName(const char *szNewName); // update clonk name and core
152  void OnDeathMessageCtx(C4GUI::Element *el);
153  void OnDeathMessageSet(const StdStrBuf &rsNewMessage);
154  };
156 public:
157  C4StartupPlrSelDlg(); // ctor
158  ~C4StartupPlrSelDlg() override; // dtor
160 private:
161  class C4KeyBinding *pKeyBack, *pKeyProperties, *pKeyCrew, *pKeyDelete, *pKeyRename, *pKeyNew;
162  class C4GUI::ListBox *pPlrListBox;
163  C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfo;
164  Mode eMode{PSDM_Player};
166  // in crew mode:
167  struct CurrPlayer_t
168  {
169  C4PlayerInfoCore Core; // loaded player main core
170  C4Group Grp; // group to player file; opened when in crew mode
171  }
172  CurrPlayer;
174 private:
175  C4Rect rcBottomButtons; int32_t iBottomButtonWidth;
176  class C4GUI::Button *btnActivatePlr, *btnCrew, *btnProperties, *btnDelete, *btnBack, *btnNew;
178  void UpdateBottomButtons(); // update command button texts and positions
179  void UpdatePlayerList(); // refill pPlrListBox with players in player folder, or with crew in selected player
180  void UpdateSelection();
181  void OnSelChange(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { UpdateSelection(); }
182  void OnSelDblClick(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { C4GUI::GUISound("UI::Click"); OnPropertyBtn(nullptr); }
183  void UpdateActivatedPlayers(); // update Config.General.Participants by currently activated players
184  void SelectItem(const StdStrBuf &Filename, bool fActivate); // find item by filename and select (and activate it, if desired)
186  void SetPlayerMode(); // change view to listing players
187  void SetCrewMode(PlayerListItem *pForPlayer); // change view to listing crew of a player
189  static int32_t CrewSortFunc(const C4GUI::Element *pEl1, const C4GUI::Element *pEl2, void *par);
190  void ResortCrew();
192 protected:
193  void OnItemCheckChange(C4GUI::Element *pCheckBox);
194  static bool CheckPlayerName(const StdStrBuf &Playername, StdStrBuf &Filename, const StdStrBuf *pPrevFilename, bool fWarnEmpty);
196  void SetSelection(ListItem *pNewItem);
198  C4GUI::RenameEdit *pRenameEdit{nullptr}; // hack: set by crew list item renaming. Must be cleared when something is done in the dlg
199  void AbortRenaming();
201  friend class ListItem; friend class PlayerListItem; friend class CrewListItem;
204 protected:
205  int32_t GetMarginTop() override { return (rcBounds.Hgt/7); }
206  bool HasBackground() override { return false; }
207  void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override;
209  bool OnEnter() override { return false; } // Enter ignored
210  bool OnEscape() override { DoBack(); return true; }
211  bool KeyBack() { DoBack(); return true; }
212  bool KeyProperties() { OnPropertyBtn(nullptr); return true; }
213  bool KeyCrew() { OnCrewBtn(nullptr); return true; }
214  bool KeyDelete() { OnDelBtn(nullptr); return true; }
215  bool KeyNew() { OnNewBtn(nullptr); return true; }
217  void OnNewBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn);
218  void OnNew(const StdStrBuf &Playername);
219  void OnActivateBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn);
220  void OnPropertyBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn);
222  void OnCrewBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn);
223  void OnDelBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn);
224  void OnDelCtx(C4GUI::Element *el) { OnDelBtn(nullptr); }
225  void OnDelBtnConfirm(ListItem *pSel);
226  void OnBackBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { DoBack(); }
228 public:
229  void DoBack(); // back to main menu
230 };
232 // player creation or property editing dialog
234 {
235 protected:
236  C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pMainDlg; // may be nullptr if shown as creation dialog in main menu!
238  C4GUI::Edit *pNameEdit; // player name edit box
239  C4GUI::CheckBox *pAutoStopControl; // wether the player uses AutoStopControl
245  C4PlayerInfoCore C4P; // player info core copy currently being edited
247  C4FacetSurface fctNewBigIcon; // if assigned, save new picture/bigicon
248  bool fClearBigIcon; // if true, delete current picture/bigicon
249  const char *GetID() override { return "PlrPropertiesDlg"; }
251  void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override;
252  int32_t GetMarginTop() override { return 16; }
253  int32_t GetMarginLeft() override { return 45; }
254  int32_t GetMarginRight() override { return 55; }
255  int32_t GetMarginBottom() override { return 30; }
257  void UserClose(bool fOK) override; // OK only with a valid name
258  bool IsComponentOutsideClientArea() override { return true; } // OK and close btn
260  void OnClrChangeLeft(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
261  void OnClrChangeRight(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
262  void OnClrChangeCustom(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
263  void OnCtrlChangeLeft(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
264  void OnCtrlChangeRight(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
265  void OnSkinChangeLeft(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
266  void OnSkinChangeRight(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
267  void OnPictureBtn(C4GUI::Control *pBtn);
269 private:
270  void UpdatePlayerColor(bool fUpdateSliders);
271  void UpdatePlayerControl();
272  void UpdatePlayerSkin();
273  void UpdateBigIcon();
275  bool SetNewPicture(C4Surface &srcSfc, C4FacetSurface *trgFct, int32_t iMaxSize, bool fColorize);
276  void SetNewPicture(const char *szFromFilename); // set new bigicon by loading and scaling if necessary. If szFromFilename==nullptr, clear bigicon
278 public:
280  ~C4StartupPlrPropertiesDlg() override = default;
282  void OnClosed(bool fOK) override; // close CB
283 };
285 #endif // INC_C4StartupPlrSelDlg
char * GetFilename(char *szPath)
Definition: StdFile.cpp:42
const StdStrBuf & GetName() const
void SetChecked(bool fToVal)
Definition: C4Gui.h:1477
void ToggleCheck(bool fByUser)
bool GetChecked() const
Definition: C4Gui.h:1478
bool fOK
Definition: C4Gui.h:2083
C4Rect rcBounds
Definition: C4Gui.h:385
Element * GetNext() const
Definition: C4Gui.h:449
virtual bool CheckNameHotkey(const char *)
Definition: C4Gui.h:407
void UpdateOwnPos() override
const C4FacetSurface & GetFacet() const
Definition: C4Gui.h:610
uint32_t PrefColorDw
Definition: C4InfoCore.h:99
Definition: C4Rect.h:28
int32_t Hgt
Definition: C4Rect.h:30
C4GUI::IconButton * pClrPreview
C4GUI::IconButton * pJumpNRunBtn
void OnClrChangeLeft(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
const char * GetID() override
void OnSkinChangeRight(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
~C4StartupPlrPropertiesDlg() override=default
void OnClrChangeRight(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
C4StartupPlrSelDlg::PlayerListItem * pForPlayer
bool IsComponentOutsideClientArea() override
void OnClrChangeCustom(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
C4StartupPlrPropertiesDlg(C4StartupPlrSelDlg::PlayerListItem *pForPlayer, C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pMainDlg)
int32_t GetMarginRight() override
void OnCtrlChangeLeft(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
int32_t GetMarginBottom() override
void OnClosed(bool fOK) override
C4GUI::IconButton * pPictureBtn
void OnPictureBtn(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
void OnCtrlChangeRight(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
C4StartupPlrSelDlg * pMainDlg
void UserClose(bool fOK) override
C4GUI::CheckBox * pAutoStopControl
int32_t GetMarginLeft() override
int32_t GetMarginTop() override
C4GUI::IconButton * pMouseBtn
void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override
void OnSkinChangeLeft(C4GUI::Control *pBtn)
C4GUI::IconButton * pClassicBtn
~PlayerListItem() override=default
const C4PlayerInfoCore & GetCore() const
void GrabCustomIcon(C4FacetSurface &fctGrabFrom)
bool MoveFilename(const char *szToFilename)
void SetSelectionInfo(C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfo) override
uint32_t GetColorDw() const override
void UpdateCore(C4PlayerInfoCore &NewCore)
PlayerListItem(C4StartupPlrSelDlg *pForDlg, C4GUI::ListBox *pForListBox, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBeforeElement=nullptr, bool fActivated=false)
C4GUI::ContextMenu * ContextMenu() override
void Load(const StdStrBuf &rsFilename)
void OnDelCtx(C4GUI::Element *el)
void OnActivateBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn)
void OnDelBtnConfirm(ListItem *pSel)
void OnItemCheckChange(C4GUI::Element *pCheckBox)
void OnPropertyBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn)
bool HasBackground() override
static bool CheckPlayerName(const StdStrBuf &Playername, StdStrBuf &Filename, const StdStrBuf *pPrevFilename, bool fWarnEmpty)
bool OnEnter() override
C4GUI::RenameEdit * pRenameEdit
friend class PlayerListItem
void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override
void SetSelection(ListItem *pNewItem)
int32_t GetMarginTop() override
void OnNew(const StdStrBuf &Playername)
void OnDelBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn)
void OnBackBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn)
bool OnEscape() override
void OnNewBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn)
void OnCrewBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn)
void OnPropertyCtx(C4GUI::Element *el)
void Take(char *pnData)
Definition: StdBuf.h:457
Definition: C4Gui.h:638
void GUISound(const char *szSound)
Definition: C4Gui.cpp:1175